The Point Of Money

Money is definitely important, for basic survival needs, but beyond that, the accumulation of excessive wealth becomes meaningless.

Because if money were an end by itself, a life lived for the chase of wealth becomes a worthless one – one that satisfies the human flesh, but not the deeper soul. 

Money should be a means to an end, using money to build others up, to contribute to the good of society or simply to bless others will be much more purposeful. 

Building An Empire

A fisherman was relaxing by the beach, admiring the wonders of nature – of winds and waves, of sunrise and sunset, with his boat bobbing on the waters near to him.

A young entrepreneur approached the fisherman, gushing enthusiastically, “It is so good to see an experienced fisherman like you. Let me teach you, you can actually experience much more of life!”

The fisherman replied, “How?”

The entrepreneur passionately described, “First, we can jointly borrow from the bank to invest in more boats. Secondly, we can hire more fishermen and you can teach them how to fish. Thirdly, you will see your money rolling in in no time!”

The fisherman replied, “And then?”

The young guy continued with fervour, “And then we can set up a company to sell fishes to the rich, create powerful branding and advertisement to entice them, and be ultimately rich, successful and happy!”

The fisherman still replied, “And then?”

The entrepreneur got a little irritated at the stark contrast between his enthusiasm and the fisherman’s indifference and continued, “Don’t you see? When we are rich, successful and happy, we can then relax by the beach and appreciate the wonders of nature?”

The fisherman nodded towards the ocean and said, “Isn’t that what I’m doing right now?”

The Trillion Dollar Question

Most of us want to be rich, to get more money. Let us mull over why.

What would you do if you had 100 given to you for free?        What would you do if you had1,000 given to you for free?

What would you do if you had 10,000 given to you for free?  What would you do if you had100,000 given to you for free?

What would you do if you had 1,000,000 (1 million dollars) given to you for free?  What would you do if you had1,000,000,000 (1 billion dollars) given to you for free?

What would you do if you had $1,000,000,000,000 (1 trillion dollars) given to you for free?

While we would probably want to use a bit of money gained for ourselves, as we go down the level, did we think of using it for others – family, friends or even society as a whole? If that is the case, are we doing what we would do if we had a trillion dollars, helping others with what we have now?
