Compelling Sales Presentation

Sales presentation flow

  1. Research 
  2. Rapport (Agenda – my side, your side, timeline, next action, confirmation)
  3. Interest 
  4. Solution
  5. Commitment
  6. Follow through


  1. Name and title
  2. How long have they been with your company
  3. Common ground, contacts or referral
  4. Communication style (formal or informal)
  5. Challenges that they are facing
  6. How could they benefit from me

Listening principles

  1. Maintain contact with the person talking either visually or with focused listening.
  2. Practice pure listening. Remove all distractions and minimise internal and external filters. Refrain from multi-tasking.
  3. Be sensitive to what is not being said. Listen for voice tone and observe body language for incongruent messages.
  4. Practice patience. Do not interrupt, finish the speaker’s sentence, or change the subject.
  5. Listen empathetically and listen to understand. Try to see things from his or her perspective.
  6. Act a if there will be a quiz at the end.
  7. Clarify any uncertainties after he or she has spoken. Make sure you understood what was said by rephrasing what you heard.
  8. Don’t jump to conclusions or make assumptions. Keep an open and accepting attitude.
  9. Turn off your mind and “be with” the speaker.

Power questions

  1. Require the customer to think about things they have never considered before
  2. Usually open-ended
  3. Thought-provoking
  4. Questions provide us with essential information about the customer’s current or desired situation and their buying motives


  • What would it mean to you, if you were able to …
  • How do you think that … will affect your business?
  • What do you look for …
  • What has been your experience …
  • How do you determine …
  • What does your competitor do about …
  • What are you doing to ensure …
  • How do your customers react to …
  • What is one thing you would improve about …

Response generators:

  • In what way?
  • Give me an example …
  • How so?
  • Tell me more …
  • That word has many definitions, what way do you mean it?
  • Oh?


  • So what I hear you saying is …
  • Let me make sure I understand …

The three E’s of compelling sales presentations

  1. Earned the right through study and experience
  2. Excited with positive feelings about your subject
  3. Eager to share to project the value to your listeners

Presenting solutions & closing deal

  1. Compelling question
  2. Picture this
  3. Evaluative question

Deliver the message

  1. Voice 
  2. Words
  3. Body language